Serving God; Finding Our Assignment


Never rely on routines or service at church to quench your desire to serve God. The Bible places the responsibility on each believer to work out their call & to find their assignment.


CEV Eph 5:15 Act like people with good sense and not like fools. 16 These are evil times, so make every minute count. 17 Don’t be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do.


Don’t trust your Pastor with this assignment. Don’t rely on human wisdom. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. Seek guidance from God, from his word, from Jesus; and from the Holy Spirit.


Amp 2 Cor 13;14The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it).


Perhaps we should not expect the Holy Spirit to give us the whole picture right away, but the Bible definitely talks about the Holy Spirit guiding our steps. I can share an experience where my Guidance was very specific.


Before I started writing this Web Page, I was seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. I had a number of ministry ideas that all seemed to be of the Lord, but there was way too much to handle. I listed them all down and prayed for wisdom. After I rested & listened for a while, and then I went to bed. [I never really ‘heard’] but when I woke up, I knew! Here’s an excerpt from my journal from that day.


Possible Ministry Ideas:

1 Roadbuilders – A (web based) charity to fund facilities for Missions

2 Mission Match – A web based Charity funding site for mission Work. Those who provide funds would vote on the Preferred Ministry Proposal. “Certified” Proposal would then be funded based on available funds.

3 Motor Trike – Concept car I’ve kicked around building for decades

4 The Big Picture – Restarting a Stock Investment Newsletter/with Christian Commentary

5 Inventor – One of those – I wonder if I ever got serious …

6 Yoko’s singing – Wife voice is a real Gift from God – Wondering if that would lead e


The response:

I should work on a revised version of the Big picture letter, no longer a Stock Investment Newsletter, this is a weekly message, Mp3 Podcast & web page, based on my Journals. This would become a building block that God could work his will into my life.

—end journal


Before I prayed/slept, ‘The Big Picture’ was just a Stock investment newsletter with a few short sections on the Bible stuff, something I lost interest in a few years back. After praying I knew Stocks were no longer in ‘The Big Picture’. It was now a Ministry web page.


Will God answer your prayer so quickly? I honestly don’t know. You’ll never know until you try!


Check out Tuning Into God  and The Missing Link – Silence


If you don’t hear right away don’t just give up. Sometimes we need to work on the question, or maybe its not time yet. Just keep listening & letting him work in the other areas of our lives.


How God Gets thru to us:


CEV Job 33;14 God speaks in different ways, and we don’t always recognize his voice. 15 Sometimes in the night, he uses terrifying dreams 16 to give us warnings. 17 God does this to make us turn from sin and pride 18 and to protect us from being swept away to the world of the dead. 19 Sometimes we are punished with a serious illness and aching joints. 20 Merely the thought of our favorite food makes our stomachs sick, 21 and we become so skinny that our bones stick out. 22 We feel death and the grave taking us in their grip. 23 One of a thousand angels then comes to our rescue by saying we are innocent. 24 The angel shows kindness, commanding death to release us, because the price was paid. 25 Our health is restored, we feel young again,




2 Cor 10;3-6 “In but not Of”


3 We live in this world, but we don’t act like its people 4 or fight our battles with the weapons of this world. Instead, we use God’s power that can destroy fortresses. We destroy arguments 5 and every bit of pride that keeps anyone from knowing God. We capture people’s thoughts and make them obey Christ. 6 And when you completely obey him, we will punish anyone who refuses to obey.


Dear God,

May all readers find their current assignment! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


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