Ukrain – “High Rise Rescue” Ukrain Analogy

Glenn Engle <>4:39 PM (11 minutes ago)
to me

Just watched “High Rise Rescue” and thought  of many parallels with  the Russia – Ukrain War. 

If Ukrain represent the High Rise on fire, Russia represents the fire,  and the valiant Ukrainian defenders repesent the firefighters, I see some seriod lessons to be learned.

The fire is powerful  but once extinguished, it is totally impotent!   How do we extinguish this evil fire??  You’re will be done Lord!

The firefighters (the Ukrainians) were underestimated, but are key to the ultimate outcome!  They sacrificed for the good, they were courageous.  They exceeded all expectations.   The evil did not directly affect them.  They suffered from the power of evil, from the physical pain that evil caused, the shelling, the destruction, the oppression, but these did not deter them.  They were focused on bigger things.  On defending their homeland.

As in the movie, I pray for the victory over the fire, for the ultimate glory {of the firefighter, for God??.}to extinguish the fire!!

Your will be done Lord

Your glory.



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