Methane, the Real Greenhouse Gas!

All, I apologize for this divergence from God stuff, but this needs to be said!!!!


So why do climate change advocates ignore methane – Methane control provides no path to economic control!! Perhaps Al Gore got  this  one thing right???

Clearly science folks admit that methane is a much more potent green house gas than CO2. A quick recent excerpt from Scientific American:

At issue is the global warming potential (GWP), a number that allows experts to compare methane with its better-known cousin, carbon dioxide. While CO2 persists in the atmosphere for centuries, or even millennia, methane warms the planet on steroids for a decade or two before decaying to CO2.

In those short decades, methane warms the planet by 86 times as much as CO2, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

But policymakers typically ignore methane’s warming potential over 20 years (GWP20) whesembling a nation’s emissions inventory. Instead, they stretch out methane’s warming impacts over a century, which makes the gas appear more benign than it is, experts said. The 100-year warming potential (GWP100) of methane is 34, according to the IPCC.

There is no scientific reason to prefer a 100-year time horizon over a 20-year time horizon; the choice of GWP100 is simply a matter of convention.

The 100-year GWP value underestimates the gas’s negative impacts by almost five times, said Ilissa Ocko, a climate scientist at the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund. The quick warming in the short run catalyzed by methane can affect environmental processes, such as the flowering of plants, she said at the American Geophysical Union meeting last week.

“The short-lived climate pollutants [like methane] that we emit from human activities are basically controlling how fast the warming occurs,” she said. “This is because they are very powerful at absorbing radiation.”

EDF and some scientists are calling on the United Nations and policymakers to stop relying on GWP100. They would instead like experts to use GWP20 and GWP100 as a slashed pair.” —- End Excerpt..n

So why haven’t you heard this before? Follow the money!! All the money, all the corrupt press, all the doomsday Sayers are too committed to the cover story to deal with any hard truths. People have an inherit desire to follow the conventional wisdom. People in science, people in politics, people in religion. These tendencies are not good for anyone seeing the truth. More to come on those issues, in future articles- Lord Willing.   For now lets look at some other for some other simple facts on global warming KISS!! Keep It Simple S_____!

CO2 levels: -world-passed-a-carbon-threshold-400ppm-and-why-it-matters

The historical growth in the level of CO2 is over the last 100 years is trom 300 ppm to 400 ppm. So roughly a 33% increase.

Methane Levels:

The growth of methane levels over the last 100 years is from 680 ppm to 1800 ppm of methane. That is roughly a 280% increase, combined with the 34 – 86 times greater effectiveness of Methane over CO2 as a greenhouse gas, clearly Methane is the greenhouse gas of concern!! So lets review, a 30% increase in a weak gas versus a 280% in a much stronger greenhouse gas..

Lets not be stupid!  Give any competent  atmospheric researcher the assignment to compare current levels of CO2 to current levels of  methane and see which has more greenhouse effect!  The obvious outcomes are already clear!!

God Bless,


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